English (United Kingdom)Greek

Ports of Greece

Map of Greek ports

As from 1st July 2016 the SOLAS requirements regarding the Verification of the Gross Mass (VGM) of packed containers will be in force worldwide under the IMO (International Maritime Organization) regulation.

Shippers will need to weight their products and will be responsible for providing the VGM to carriers prior to loading of the container on vessels. A deadline for the VGM submission will be applied by vessel operators and loading of a packed container onto a ship will be denied in absence of the VGM. In case the container is weighted when entering the terminal and its weight is found to be different from the weight stated on the VGM then it will be at carrier’s discretion to load the container on board or not.

As each country will implement specific regulations for the weighing of the packed containers, we are waiting for further instructions from the state and the port authorities so as to provide you information and clarification on the exact procedure to be followed.

Link from the International Maritime Organization: http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Safety/Cargoes/Containers/Pages/Verification-of-the-gross-mass.aspx
