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New Rule for US imports (DG cargoes) |
30th Aug 2010
We would like to inform you that effective October 1, 2010 the U.S. Department of Transportation will implement revised requirements for emergency response telephone numbers for hazardous materials/dangerous goods. Voluntary compliance is currently authorized. Revisions in this rulemaking require persons responsible for providing emergency response information, or an offeror who is registered with an emergency response information provider, to be identified on the shipping paper. Specifically, the regulations will be amended to clarify or require: The Name of the entity responsible for providing emergency response information must be entered on the shipping paper in association with the emergency response phone number. An offeror who has made an arrangement with an emergency response information provider (i.e. CHEMTREC, CANUTEC, ChemTel, etc.) to be identified on the shipping paper, by name or contract/reference number, in clear association with the emergency response telephone number. Any person preparing a subsequent shipping paper for continued transport of a hazardous materials shipment must include the offeror’s name that is the registrant for the emergency response information provider and that will be in use for the continued transportation of the shipment. The name of the original or subsequent offeror or its contract/reference number with the emergency response information provider must be included on the shipping paper. International phone numbers used to meet the emergency response telephone number requirement must include the international access code, or a ‘‘+’’ sign as a placeholder for the international access code, in addition to the country code, and city code as appropriate. The full text of the rulemaking can be accessed at: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-24799.pdf Complete requirements for emergency response information are contained in 49 CFR, Subpart G of Part 172.